    关键词  非晶薄膜,纳米压痕仪,力学性能,蠕变,塑性变形
    Title  Mechanical characterization of nanoglass                  
    Nano metallic glass has the characteristics that atomic spacing and density can be changed. We can have different kind of metal glass by annealing or strong plastic deformation. As there′s no grain boundary in metal glass, its mechanical properties are often better than crystal. Dimensional effect makes nano metallic glass has even better mechanical properties, such as high hardness, high wear resistance, better plasticity compared with metal glass. The changes of mechanical properties can reflect changes in the   structure and guide the design of it. Nano indenter can obtain hardness, elastic modulus, and other data in a convenient way and have advertisement on control and accuracy. I measured the hardness of thin film Nano metallic glass for about 6.6GPa, the elastic modulus for about 145GPa. NiP film which is a kind of dural soft base material, affected by the substrate more serious like hardness and elastic modulus decreased as the indentation depth increases. Meanwhile, creep and rebound are velocity sensitive. They becomes apparent with the increases of load rate. Nano metallic glass doesn’t have the serrated flow phenomenon that comes from uneven plastic.
    Keywords  glass film,nano indenter, mechanical properties, creep, plastic deformation
    目   录

    1  绪论    5
    1.1  纳米非晶材料    5
    1.1.1 纳米级别非晶材料    6
    1.2  纳米压痕实验    7
    1.2.1 纳米压痕设备    7
    1.2.2 纳米压痕测量原理    8
    1.2.3 影响纳米压痕测量结果的因素    9
    1.3  纳米压痕测量方向    9
    1.3.1 硬度及弹性模量测量    9
    1.3.2 蠕变性能测试    10
    1.3.3 塑性变形和尺寸效应    11
    1.3.4 应力硬化    12
    2  实验方案与内容    14
    2.1 方案和思路    14
    2.2 纳米压痕仪操作    14
    2.2.1 薄膜样品处理    14
    2.2.2 制样    14
    2.2.3 压痕操作    14
    2.3 实验方案    15
    2.3.1 硬度和弹性模量    15
    2.3.2 小尺寸效应和塑性变形    15
    2.3.3 蠕变性能    15
    2.3.4 应力硬化    16
    3  实验结果    17
    3.1 NiP薄膜的硬度和弹性模量    17
    3.2 压痕蠕变    20
    3.3 尺寸效应    23
    3.4 应变硬化    25
    3.5 3D形貌扫描    26
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