    开展了 45 钢小直径螺柱与模拟板材、板状 45 钢母材摩擦螺柱焊工艺试验。研究了摩擦时间、摩擦压力、工件进给速度对焊接质量成型的影响。研究了焊接工艺参数与接头力学性能、微观组织的关系,焊缝接头典型组织主要为针状马氏体。拉伸试验中拉断位置、塑性变形和颈缩均处于母材上,且有多组试样的拉伸强度高于母材的抗拉强度 600 Mpa,表明正交试验所给出的焊接工艺范围能保证接头达到可靠的焊接强度。 20881
     毕业论文关键词  摩擦焊,螺柱焊,工装夹具,力学性能,微观组织
    Title      Research on the multiple sources friction stud welding by steel stud - steel structure.                                             
    Carried out the design of the Friction stud welding jig, the process test research of
    45 steel stud with columnar stud docking and 45 steel stud with Tabular material
    structure. Design a set of frock clamp which meet with the size of the stud, and by
    optimizing the design and implementation of a set of fixtures to meet a variety of
    different diameter stud welding requirements. Design a set of fixtures can not only
    satisfy the columnar parent metal, and can satisfy the Tabular material. 
    To  carry out the process test of  Friction stud welding on 45 steel stud and
    Simulated plate , 45 steel stud with Tabular material. To study the influence of friction
    time, friction pressure and feed rate on the welding quality of work piece forming.
    Studied the relationship between welding parameters, joint mechanical properties and
    microstructure, analyze the microscopic microstructure of welded joints. The typical
    weld organization are mainly acicular martensite. The joint welding process parameters
    given by the test can guarantee to achieve reliable welding strength, because the pull
    off location, plastic deformation and neck all on the parent metal in the tensile test, and
    there are many groups of tensile strength of the specimen is higher than the parent
    metal of 600 Mpa.
    Key words    friction welding, stud welding, frock clamp,  mechanical properties, microstructure
    目    次
    目   次   I
    1  绪论   1
    1.1  课题研究背景   1
    1.2  摩擦螺柱焊原理及特点   1
    1.2.1  螺柱焊原理   1
    1.2.2  摩擦螺柱焊原理及分类   2
    1.2.3  摩擦螺柱焊特点[18]
    1.3  摩擦焊技术的国内外发展与应用现状   5
    1.4  课题的主要研究内容   6
    2  摩擦螺柱焊试验条件与工艺方案设计   7
    2.1  试验材料   7
    2.2  试验设备   8
    2.3  工艺方案设计 .  10
    3  摩擦螺柱焊工装夹具设计 .  12
    3.1  螺柱工装夹具的设计 .  12
    3.2  螺柱工装夹具的改进 .  12
    3.3  柱状母材工装夹具的设计 .  13
    3.4  板状母材工装夹具的设计 .  14
    3.5  本章小结 .  15
    4  摩擦螺柱焊工艺试验研究 .  16
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