    关键词 金属粉末 含氧量 球形度 粒度分布 雾化法 表面形貌19598
    Title Preparation and characterization of spherical aluminum powder                                               
    With the development of modern science and technology, variety, high quality, low-cost metal powder’s demanding is increasing. Metal powder is prepared with high purity, fine particles. The particle size may be controlled component. Production costs reduces gradually. The metal powder used in the conventional power metallurgy is high oxygen content, low sphericity and width particle size distribution. Powder particle size, particle size distribution, particle morphology and stability of different batches of the product is not formed strict requirements. Performance of the traditional metal powder metallurgy does not meet the production requirements of these new technologies. How to prepare spherical metallic powders become ultra-low oxygen problems to be solved. In this article, we will expand the production of aluminum aerosol test method. Research in the process of aerosol particle size at different aluminum powder atomization pressure distribution, the median diameter and surface morphology any different.
    Keywords  Metal powdew  Oxygen  Sphericity  Particle size distribution  Atomization  The surface morphology
    1  绪论    1
    1.1铝粉的简介及应用    1
    1.1.1铝粉的简介    1
    1.1.2铝粉的性质    1
    1.1.3铝粉的应用    2
    1.2球形铝粉    3
    1.2.1球形铝粉简介    3
    1.2.2球形铝粉的应用    3
    1.2.3球形铝粉的发展现状    5
    1.3铝粉制备方法综述    5
    1.4本课题的研究意义及内容    6
    2  实验方法及原理    7
    2.1实验材料及仪器    7
    2.2球形铝粉制备与表征流程    7
    2.3实验方案与工艺    8
    2.4实验原理    8
    3  实验结果及分析    10
    3.1球形铝粉粒径分布    10
    3.2雾化压力-球形铝粉中位径曲线    15
    3.3球形铝粉表面形貌    17
    3.5球形铝粉XRD曲线    25
    3.6球形铝粉金相照片    25
    结论    28
    致谢    29
    参考文献    30
    1  绪论
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